Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lake Weir Pictures

Welcome to Lake Weir Pictures! As someone who spent most of his childhood swimming, fishing, sailing, and skiing on the shores and waters of Lake Weir, Florida, I am excited to begin this blog. I am always amazed by the quality of the pictures that regular folks capture right here in my own back yard. With this blog I hope to collect as many pictures of this wonderful lake as possible in order to show the world the charm and beauty of my childhood home. This blog is a photo journal of Lake Weir Florida.

- Bill

1 comment:

  1. I love Lake Weir !!! But we need rain and the people in this area to stop using so much water! If not all our fresh water will just be a fond
    memory:( A Green Yard does not make one cool only when it rains
    and makes grass green then it is cool!!!! so STOP WATERING YOU YARD

    S.O.S BRING RAIN!!!!
